CO2238 Workplan action 2022 by Consensus


The Commission agreed to ? Make changes to Rule M.9 on the Bureau to extend the appointment period of the four Commissioners representing a range of views with a relevant regional balance, and to stagger their membership. ? Add to Rule M.1 and Rule of Debate D (Arrangements of Debate) that no item of business shall be discussed in the second plenary unless it has been considered in the first plenary with exceptions. ? Add to Rule Q (Commission Documents) that documents, including those of the Bureau, should generally be made available in advance of meetings.


CO2223 Workplan action 2022 by Consensus


The Commission agreed to B) Generally prohibit raising issues in the second plenary that have not already been discussed in the committee meetings or first plenary session, unless the following exceptions apply: the Commission may decide to open debate of a new issue by majority vote and/or to consider urgent matters and matters not falling within the mandate of a Commission sub-group.


CO2222 Workplan action 2022 by Consensus


The Commission agreed to A) Make changes to Commission meetings structures that will increase participation and the effectiveness and efficiency of plenary sessions. The proposal is for a meeting structure as follows: ? 0.5-1 day of a plenary session (plenary session I) which would be used to introduce proposed Schedule Amendments, proposed rule changes, proposed Resolutions, and receive feedback from committee chairs on intersessional work. ? 0.5-3 days of private commissioners and sub-group meetings (dependent on budget constraints, some sub-groups may need to meet virtually in advance to complete their work). In years when the Commission will review ASW catch limits, the ASW sub-committee will meet in person. ? 2 days of a plenary session (plenary session II) which would be limited to discussing the reports of the committee meetings and deciding on committee recommendations. ? The timings above can be modified as needed depending on the needs of the Commission meeting.
