The Commission agreed to A) Make changes to Commission meetings structures that will increase participation and the effectiveness and efficiency of plenary sessions. The proposal is for a meeting structure as follows: ? 0.5-1 day of a plenary session (plenary session I) which would be used to introduce proposed Schedule Amendments, proposed rule changes, proposed Resolutions, and receive feedback from committee chairs on intersessional work. ? 0.5-3 days of private commissioners and sub-group meetings (dependent on budget constraints, some sub-groups may need to meet virtually in advance to complete their work). In years when the Commission will review ASW catch limits, the ASW sub-committee will meet in person. ? 2 days of a plenary session (plenary session II) which would be limited to discussing the reports of the committee meetings and deciding on committee recommendations. ? The timings above can be modified as needed depending on the needs of the Commission meeting.