CO2202 Recommendation 2022 by Report adoption
The Report of the Working Group on Whale Killing Methods and Welfare Issues was adopted.
The Report of the Working Group on Whale Killing Methods and Welfare Issues was adopted.
The Reports of the Conservation Committee (2020, 2022) were endorsed by the Commission including the Workplan (2022-2024).
SUPPORTS the continuation of the moratorium, not least as a precautionary response to the growing threats to cetaceans from direct and indirect human activities
ACKNOWLEDGES that the moratorium on commercial whaling continues to be necessary to enable whale populations to fully recover, and to support the proper functioning of marine ecosystems
STRONGLY ENCOURAGES all ICRW contracting and non-contracting governments to report all activities regarding commercial whaling including by submitting their whaling catch limit calculations for review by the IWC Scientific Committee at least every six years, and always prior to targeting different species, populations or areas;
REMINDS all ICRW contracting and non-contracting governments of their applicable legal obligations under UNCLOS to cooperate with the IWC on the conservation, management and study of cetaceans;
ENCOURAGES Contracting Governments to assist the IWC Secretariat in these tasks by sharing expertise and experiences
REQUESTS the IWC Secretariat to closely collaborate with the Global Environment Facility (GEF) Secretariat and GEF-accredited entities to explore opportunities to gain access to GEF funding for GEFeligible projects relevant to the IWC?s operations concerning the Goals and Targets of the KMGBF, such as species-based and region-based Conservation Management Plans
ENCOURAGES Contracting Governments that are also Parties to the CBD to integrate IWC cetacean conservation and management objectives and priorities into their National Biodiversity Strategies and Action Plans (NBSAPs);