CO2473 Resolution 2024 by Consensus


FULLY SUPPORTS the establishment, based on the best available science, of a representative system of marine protected areas (MPAs) within the CCAMLR Convention area as these MPAs could further support the conservation-related objectives of the Southern Ocean Sanctuary;


CO2471 Resolution 2024 by Consensus


INVITES Contracting Governments, other States and relevant organisations active in the area to enhance their scientific and monitoring activities and contribute to data gathering and exchange for the conservation and management of cetaceans in the Southern Ocean


CO2470 Resolution 2024 by Consensus


ENCOURAGES the establishment of a formal agreement, such as a Memorandum of Understanding, between the IWC and CCAMLR to facilitate data sharing, the exchange of information on the effects of fisheries and global environmental change in the Antarctic region relevant to whale populations, and the provision of expert advice relating to cetaceans by the IWC to inform management decisions


CO2466 Recommendation 2024 by Consensus


The Commission agreed by consensus to support the decision making processes of the Commission and support the right of credentialed delegates of voting parties to cast their vote on behalf their country, and the Commission respects the outcome of that vote. Any effort other than to discuss views in a respectful way is not welcomed by this Commission.


CO2464 Recommendaiton 2024 by Consensus


While recognising the need for meaningful participation of civil society at IWC meetings, the Commission did not feel it was appropriate to approve Sea Shepherd?s application for IWC observer accreditation at this time as it was not convinced that the organisation would contribute constructively to discussion on the business of the Commission. The Commission also noted that, under the current Rules of Procedure, Sea Shepherd could reapply for observer accreditation at any future meetings of the Commission.
