CO2433 Workplan action 2024 by Consensus
The Commission agreed to create a Science Liaison Group, with the Terms of Reference included in Document IWC/69/10.1/07/Rev1.
The Commission agreed to create a Science Liaison Group, with the Terms of Reference included in Document IWC/69/10.1/07/Rev1.
The Commission thanked the UK Government for their support and the contribution towards the rent and service costs of the new IWC Headquarters and thanked the Government of Germany for their contributions to the running costs of IWC69.
The Commission noted the expected small deficit of the 2024 financial forecast outturn.
The Commission approved the signing of two Memoranda of Understanding with the Permanent Secretariat of the Agreement for the Creation of a Sanctuary for Marine Mammals in the Mediterranean (Pelagos Agreement) and the Permanent Commission for the South Pacific, and one Letter of Intent with the United Nations Environment Programme.
The Commission recommended intersessional work be undertaken by the Budgetary Sub-Committee with regards to the Auditor?s recommendation to review Financial Regulation F.5(a).
The Commission adopted the audited accounts for 2022 and 2023, noting both years received an unqualified audit opinion.
The Commission approved the closing of 37 Finance and Administration recommendations on the Database of Recommendations.
The Commission noted the vacant seats for the Budgetary SubCommittee membership and requested volunteers to make themselves known to the Chair of the Committee.
The Commission approved the increase in line with inflation in the NGO, Observer and Media fees for the next biennium.
The Commission requested the Budgetary Sub-Committee to develop a recommendation for the management of voluntary funds, which includes, at least, the costs of the Secretariat and administration of the funds.