CO2211 Recommendation 2022 by Consensus
The Commission adopted the Budget Reform Strategy
The Commission adopted the Budget Reform Strategy
The Commission agreed to greater Secretariat flexibility and a revised sum on the process for selling the Red House.
The Commission renewed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Center for Coastal Studies on entanglement response training and capacity building.
Two new collaborative agreements on bycatch were endorsed: a cooperation agreement with the Food & Agriculture Organisation/Indian Ocean Tuna Commission; and a contract with the Food & Agriculture Organisation/Common Ocean Areas Beyond National Jurisdiction.
A Memorandum of Understanding was signed with ATLAFCO/COMHAFAT (Ministerial Conference on Fisheries co-operation among African states bordering the Atlantic Ocean), outlining future collaboration.
The report of the Finance and Administration Committee was adopted.
REQUESTS the Secretariat to report back to IWC69 on progress made in the implementation of this Resolution, including an assessment of financial forecast for this resolution for the next biennium.
REQUESTS the Secretariat to develop a strategy for the IWC to reduce the use of single use plastics as much as possible in all meetings and the day-to-day operations of the Secretariat.
RECOMMENDS the IWC Secretariat to add marine debris mapping to its engagement with the Important Marine Mammal Areas (IMMAs) process;
RECOMMENDS Contracting Governments to report relevant information, such as status, reduction, recycling and reuse efforts, on marine plastic pollution and plastic ingestion in stranded animals in their voluntary conservation and national Scientific Progress reports;