Analysis of marine mammal bycatch in the Uruguayan pelagic longline fishery operating in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean

Analysis of marine mammal bycatch in the Uruguayan pelagic longline fishery operating in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean <br>Authors: Passadore, C., Domingo, A., & Secchi, E. R.<>brTopic :Bycatch<br> ICES Journal of Marine Science, 72(5), 1637-1652

Marine megafauna bycatch in artisanal fisheries in Gorontalo, northern Sulawesi (Indonesia): An assessment based on fisher interviews

Marine megafauna bycatch in artisanal fisheries in Gorontalo, northern Sulawesi (Indonesia): An assessment based on fisher interviews <br>Authors: Mustika, P. L. K., Wonneberger, E., Erzini, K., & Pasisingi, N.<>brTopic :Bycatch<br> Ocean & Coastal Management, 208, 105606.

Switching Gillnets to Longlines: An Alternative to Mitigate the Bycatch of Franciscana Dolphins (Pontoporia blainvillei) in Argentina

Switching Gillnets to Longlines: An Alternative to Mitigate the Bycatch of Franciscana Dolphins (Pontoporia blainvillei) in Argentina <br>Authors: Berninsone, L. G., Bordino, P., Gnecco, M., Foutel, M., Mackay, A. I., & Werner, T. B.<>brTopic :Bycatch<br> Frontiers in Marine Science,ÿ7, 699.

Marine mammal bycatch by the industrial bottom trawl fishery at the Rio de la Plata Estuary and the adjacent Atlantic Ocean

Marine mammal bycatch by the industrial bottom trawl fishery at the Rio de la Plata Estuary and the adjacent Atlantic Ocean <br>Authors: Franco Trecu V., Nube Szephegyi M., Dono F., Forselledo R., Reyes F., Passadore C., Crespo E. A., Inchausti P.<>brTopic :Bycatch<br>

USA Cross-Border Sanctuaries

The Sister Sanctuary Program, managed by Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, was established in 2006 to facilitate the effective management of a shared population of humpback whales across jurisdictional boundaries throughout its migratory range, from feeding and nursery grounds in the Gulf of Maine to breeding and calving areas in the Wider Caribbean region.

USA Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Program

The MMPA was amended in 1992 to formally establish the Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Program (MMHSRP) to:

Facilitate collection and dissemination of reference data on the health of marine mammals and to assess health trends of marine mammal populations in the wild; Correlate marine mammal health with available data on physical, chemical, and biological environmental parameters; and Coordinate effective responses to unusual mortality events (UMEs).

The MMHSRP has several components including: