Resolution 1999-10

Decisions Document Number
Long Title
Resolution to consider establishment of a mechanism to improve communications between the Commission and its Scientific Committee

WHEREAS Article IV of the ICRW provides that the Commission may (a) encourage, recommend, or if
necessary, organise studies and investigations relating to whales and whaling; (b) collect and analyse statistical
information concerning the current conditions and trend of the whale stocks and the effects of whaling
activities thereon; (c) study, appraise, and disseminate information concerning methods of maintaining and
increasing the populations of whale stocks,

WHEREAS the work of the Scientific Committee is vital to the functioning of the Commission in the
execution of its mandate,

WHEREAS the Scientific Committee shall, in accordance with the Commission’s Rules of Procedure, inter
alia, consider such additional matters as may be referred to it by the Commission or the Chairman of the

WHEREAS there have been instances where incomplete communications between the Commission and its
Scientific Committee have caused delays in the work of the Scientific Committee and subsequently that of the

BELIEVING that increased and more effective communications between the Scientific Committee and the
Commission will assist in the expeditious completion and implementation of the RMS and the AWMP,

COMMENDING the high quality of the work of the Scientific Committee on these issues,
NOTING the value of informal discussions between Commissioners and the Chairman of the sub-committee
on management procedures during the development of the RMP; and similar discussions between interested
Commissioners and the Chairman of the Standing Working Group on the Development of the AWMP at this

NOW THEREFORE the Commission requests the Advisory Committee in close consultation with the
Scientific Committee to:

(i) recommend a process to improve communications between itself and the Commission, and
(ii) report to the Commission, through its Finance and Administration Committee at its next annual meeting.
