Resolution 1998-7

Decisions Document Number
Long Title
Resolution on Coordinating and Planning for Environmental Research in the Antarctic

WHEREAS the International Whaling Commission at is 44th Meeting adopted Resolution (IWC/44/12) that
decided the Scientific Committee should give priority to research effort on the effects of environmental change
on cetaceans:

WHEREAS the International Whaling Commission at its 48th Meeting adopted Resolution (IWC Resolution
1996-8 ) endorsing the formation of a Standing Working Group on Environmental Concerns by the Scientific
Committee, and requested the Scientific Committee to increase collaboration and cooperation with
governmental, regional and other international organisations working on environmental issues;

AWARE that at the 50th Meeting of the Scientific Committee the SWGEC set up a working group to facilitate
collaboration between the IWC and CCAMLR, GLOBEC and other research programmes investigating aspects
that relate cetaceans to their habitat and to environmental change in the Antarctic;

NOTING there exists a number of other programmes, including the Japanese Whale Research Programme
under a Special Permit in the Antarctic (JARPA) , which has as one of its objectives research investigating
aspects that relate cetaceans to their habitat and to environmental change in the Antarctic;

RECOGNISING that the JARPA programme is an annual, multi-ship survey effort that constitutes a major
resource for investigating the Antarctic ecosystem;

RECALLING that the IWC has adopted resolutions (IWC 1995-8 and 1995-9) expressing concern over lethal
research under Special Permit and lethal research in the Southern Ocean Sanctuary;

RECOGNISING that the JARPA Programme is conducted in the course of the exercise of the rights of the
Government of Japan under the terms of the 1946 International Convention on the Regulation of Whaling;

AWARE that many parts of JARPA involve the use of non-lethal means to elucidate the effects of
environmental change on cetaceans;

COGNISANT that JARPA has been reviewed by the Scientific Committee, and several improvements have
been made as a result of this interaction with the Committee;

ACKNOWLEDGING the high priority the IWC has given studies of climate change and the Antarctic
ecosystem and the need for planning and coordination among the various research efforts so as to optimise
environmental research in the Antarctic;

NOW THEREFORE: the International Whaling Commission, at its 50th Annual Meeting,
INVITES the Government of Japan to take full advantage of the existing mechanisms of cooperation between
national research programmes and the Standing Working Group on Environmental Concerns, including the
presentation of results from national research programmes to the Scientific Committee and full involvement in
the planning of any IWC research initiatives on environmental matters.
