RECALLING that one of the remaining elements of the Revised Management Scheme to be completed
consists of “arrangements to ensure that total catches over time are within limits set under the RMS” (IWC
Resolution 1996-6);
FURTHER RECALLING the general agreement in the 1997 RMS Working Group that “in setting catch limits
the Commission should, as far as possible, use the CLA [Catch Limit Algorithm] to determine the allowable
removal and then take account of all known human–induced mortalities including aboriginal subsistence
whaling, scientific whaling, whaling outside the IWC, bycatches, ship strikes and other non-natural removals”
(Rep. int.Whal.Commn 49: item 12.1.2);
AGREES that the catch limits calculated by the Scientific Committee in accordance with the Revised
Management Procedure as part of an agreed Revised Management Scheme represent the total allowable
FURTHER AGREES that catch limits for commercial purposes for any species of whale in any region shall be
calculated by deducting all human-induced mortalities that are known or can be reasonably estimated, other
than commercial catches, from the total allowable removal;
REQUESTS the Scientific Committee to provide advice in this regard for the Commission's consideration for
inclusion in the Revised Management Scheme.
Resolution 1998-2
Decisions Document Number
Long Title
Resolution On Total Catches Over Time
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