Resolution 2000-2

Decisions Document Number
Long Title
Resolution on Whaling of highly endangered Bowhead Whales in the Eastern Canadian Arctic

IWC Resolution 2000-2
Resolution on Whaling of highly endangered Bowhead Whales in the Eastern Canadian Arctic
WHEREAS the 52nd meeting of the Scientific Committee concluded that the Davis Strait and the Hudson Bay-
Foxe Basin bowhead whale stocks are two distinct and separate populations, both of which number in the low

CONSIDERING THAT the Government of Canada withdrew from the IWC in 1982 but continues to allow the
taking of bowhead whales in the Eastern Canadian Arctic;

CONCERNED THAT the Government of Canada has agreed to grant one license if requested from the Nunavut
Wildlife Management Board to take one bowhead whale from the Hudson Bay-Foxe Basin stock in 2000-2001;

WHEREAS the IWC is concerned about whaling not conducted under the International Convention for the
Regulation of Whaling (1946);

NOTING THAT the Government of Canada has been notified of IWC Resolutions 1996-9, 1998-13 and 1999-7,
each of which calls for refraining from issuing permits to hunt either highly endangered bowhead whale stocks in
the Eastern Canadian Arctic;

FURTHER NOTING THAT Canada is signatory to the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
(1982) which under Article 65 (Marine Mammals) requires that States co-operate through the appropriate
international organizations for the conservation, management and study of cetaceans;

REAFFIRMS its opposition to whaling conducted on highly endangered stocks of whales;
EXPRESSES particular concern that whaling activities in the Eastern Canadian Arctic are ongoing outside the
control of the IWC;

URGES the Government of Canada to refrain from issuing a license for the taking of one bowhead whale from
the Hudson Bay-Foxe Basin population;

INVITES the Government of Canada to rejoin the IWC and, in the meantime, not to issue further whaling

REQUESTS THAT the Secretariat transmit the text of this Resolution to the Government of Canada.
