AWARE that Article VIII of the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling allows Contracting
Governments to grant Special Permits for the purpose of scientific research on whales;
RECALLING that since the moratorium on commercial whaling came into force in 1985/86, the IWC has adopted
over 30 resolutions on Special Permit whaling in which it has generally expressed its opinion that Special Permit
whaling should: be terminated and scientific research limited to non-lethal methods only (2003-2); refrain from
involving the killing of cetaceans in sanctuaries (1998-4); ensure that the recovery of populations is not impeded
(1987); and take account of the comments of the Scientific Committee (1987).
ALSO RECALLING Resolution 2003-3 that no additional Japanese Whale Research Program under Special Permit in
the Antarctic (JARPA) programs be considered until the Scientific Committee has completed an in-depth review of the
results of JARPA;
FURTHER RECALLING that earlier this year the Government of Japan concluded JARPA - an 18-year program of
whaling under Special Permit in Antarctic waters;
NOTING that the results of the JARPA program have not been reviewed by the Scientific Committee this year;
CONCERNED that more than 6,800 Antarctic minke whales (Balaenoptera bonaerensis) have been killed in Antarctic
waters under the 18 year of JARPA, compared with a total of 840 whales killed globally by Japan for scientific research
in the 31 year period prior to the moratorium;
NOTING that it is the Government of Japan’s stated intention to more than double the annual catch of Antarctic minke
whales and also take 50 fin whales (B. physalus) and 50 humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) under the
proposed JARPA II program;
NOTING that the Third Circumpolar Survey indicates that the abundance of Antarctic minke whales is substantially
lower than the earlier estimate of 760 000, and that the Scientific Committee is working to identify factors contributing
to the differences between the two surveys;
CONCERNED that there are no agreed data to indicate that endangered fin whale populations have increased since the
cessation of whaling;
ALSO NOTING that some humpback whales which will be targeted by JARPA II belong to small, vulnerable breeding
populations around small island States in the South Pacific and that even small takes could have a detrimental effect on
the recovery and survival of such populations;
ALSO CONCERNED that JARPA II may have an adverse impact on established long-term whale research projects
involving humpback whales;
REQUESTS the Scientific Committee to review the outcomes of JARPA as soon as possible; and
STRONGLY URGES the Government of Japan to withdraw its JARPA II proposal or to revise it so that any
information needed to meet the stated objectives of the proposal is obtained using non-lethal means.
Resolution 2005-1
Decisions Document Number
Long Title
Resolution on Jarpa II
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