Chair: Lorenzo Rojas-Bracho, Mexico
Vice-chair: Rosie Carpenter, UK
The Conservation Committee considers a wide range of cetacean conservation issues, and its role continues to evolve. The Conservation Committee collaborates closely with the Scientific Committee to understand and address a range of threats to whales and their habitats.
At the 2016 Commission meeting, a new Strategic Plan was adopted for the Conservation Committee. This establishes a long-term vision for healthy and well-managed populations and recovered cetacean populations worldwide. The Plan identifies priority threats to cetaceans, priority actions, measures of success, key partnerships and resourcing. It is accompanied by a Work Plan, a living document that can be adapted as circumstances evolve.
The varied work programme currently includes:
- a Bycatch Mitigation Initiative. This is a new work programme, agreed at the 2016 meeting. It will include formation of an expert panel and appointment of a coordinator.
- a strategy to provide international advice and support to the fast-growing whale watching industry, including development of an online Whale Watching Handbook.
- development and management of Conservation Management Plans, flexible blueprints for effective coordination of conservation work between local, national, regional and international stakeholders.
- a joint programme with the Scientific Committee to consider the impact of marine debris on cetaceans.
- a Ship Strikes Strategy, working with other international and trade organisations to understand and minimise the threat of collisions between whales and vessels.
- work to build partnerships with other inter-governmental and regional organisations, in order to share knowledge, identify synergies and maximise effectiveness.
A Voluntary Conservation Fund operates to support the work of the Conservation Committee. Seven issues have been identified as priority areas for support, and a dedicated Steering Group assess funding requests according to these priorities. Contributions to this fund are welcome from member governments, international organisations and other appropriate donors. You can find out more about the fund here.

The Conservation Committee considers a wide range of cetacean conservation issues, and its role continues to evolve. The Conservation Committee collaborates closely with the Scientific Committee to understand and address a range of threats to whales and their habitats.