52/54 Wawelska St., 00-922 Warsaw, Poland |
Poland |
Poland |
Department of Nature Protection, |
monika.lesz@srodowisko.gov.pl |
Monika |
Lesz |
Ministry of the Environment |
0048 22 57 92 667 |
Museu da Baleia, Rua Garcia Moniz 1, 9200-031 Canical, Madeira, Portugal |
Portugal |
Portugal |
luisfreitas@museudabaleia.org |
Luis |
Freitas |
Madeira Whale Museum |
+351961319037 |
Blvd. Libertatii 12, Sector 5 040129 Bucharest |
Romania |
Romania |
Biodiversity Directorate |
Doina |
Cioaca |
Ministry of Environment |
Russia |
Russia |
fominykh_ira@mail.ru |
Irina |
Fominykh |
Department for International Cooperation of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation |
007 499 2548224 |
Embassy of the Republic of San Marino, Department of Foreign Affairs, Contrada Omerelli, 47890 San Marino Cittá |
San Marino |
San Marino |
Dario |
Galassi |
00378 0549882215 |
Ousmane Tanor Dieng de Diamniadio Batiment D 2ème Étage |
Senegal |
Senegal |
Diene |
Faye |
Ministère des Pêches et de l'Economie maritime Sphère ministérielle |
(00221)77 657 03 62 |
Námestie L’udovíta Štúra 1 812 35 Bratislava |
Slovakia |
Slovakia |
Department of State Administration of Nature Protection |
Andrej.Bibic@gov.si |
Branislav |
Hrabkovsky |
Ministry of Environment of the Slovak Republic |
00421 2 5956 2203 |
Secretary, Ministry for the Environment and Spatial Planning, Sector for Nature Conservation, Dunajska 48, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia |
Slovenia |
Slovenia |
Andrej |
Bibic |
Ministry for the Environment and Spatial Planning |
00386 1 478 7471 |
PO Box G2, Honiara |
Solomon Islands |
Solomon Islands |
RMasu@fisheries.gov.sb |
Rosalie |
Masu |
Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Resources |
South Korea |
South Korea |
sy100422@korea.kr |
Seoyoung |
Park |
Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge, Pza de San Juan de la Cruz, sin 28071 Madrid |
Spain |
Spain |
fmagdaleno@miteco.es |
Fernando |
Magdaleno Mas |
Ministry for Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge |
+34 915976056 |
Bay Road, Basseterre |
St. Kitts & Nevis |
St. Kitts & Nevis |
Paul Southwell Industrial Site |
marcwill3@aol.com |
Marc |
Williams |
Department of Marine Resources |
P.O. Box 3074 San Souci Castries |
St. Lucia |
St. Lucia |
horacedwalters@gmail.com |
Horace |
D Walters |
Government of Saint Lucia |
+1 (758) 4524478 |
Office of the Prime Minister, Administrative Centre, Bay Street, Kingstown, St. Vincent & The Grenadines |
St. Vincent & Grenadines |
St. Vincent & Grenadines |
snaggy0153@hotmail.com |
Senator Edwin |
Snagg |
001 869 467 1369 / 1008 |
Cornelis Jongbawstraat # 48, Paramaribo, Suriname |
Suriname |
Suriname |
caribfisheries@sr.net |
Randjitsing |
Ramkisor |
00597 520694 |
103 33 Stockholm |
Sweden |
Sweden |
Natural Environment Division |
staffan.danielsson@regeringskansliet.se |
Staffan |
Danielsson |
Ministry for the Environment |
Schwarzenburgstrasse 155, CH-3003 Bern, Switzerland |
Switzerland |
Switzerland |
Bruno.Mainini@blv.admin.ch |
Bruno |
Mainini |
Federal Food Safety and Veterinary Office FSVO |
0041 31 323 8224 |
São Tomé & Príncipe |
São Tomé & Príncipe |
Ministère d'agriculture, pesches et developpement rural |
aidadalmeida@yahoo.com.br |
Aida Maria |
D'Almeida |
PO Box 4199 Zanzibar |
Tanzania |
Tanzania |
hoseagonza@yahoo.com |
Hosea Gonza |
Mbilinyi |
Director General of Deep Sea Fishing Authority |
+255 763 743 453 |
B.P. 1095, Lome, Togo |
Togo |
Togo |
domtania@yahoo.fr |
Domtani |
Direction des Pêches et de l’Aquaculture |
0022890006011 |
Vaiaku Funafuti |
Tuvalu |
Tuvalu |
tfalefou@gov.tv |
Tapugao |
Falefou |
Government of Tuvalu |
1st Floor Seacole Building 2 Marsham Street London, SW1P 4DF |
United Kingdom |
United Kingdom |
Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs |
james.smith1@defra.gov.uk |
James |
Smith |
International Marine Environment |
07385 463540 |
1315 East-West Hwy Silver Spring, MD 20910 |
United States |
United States |
mi.ae.kim@noaa.gov |
Ms Mi Ae |
Kim |
NOAA Fisheries |
Uruguay |
Uruguay |
Ambassador Manuel |
Etchevarren |
(+598) 2902 10 10 ext. 72221 |
Colonia 1206, 2º piso, Montevideo 11100 |
Uruguay |
Uruguay |
ambiente@mrree.gub.uy |
Embajador Manuel |
Etchevarren |
Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores |
+598 2902 10 10 |