Conservation database
At IWC67 in October 2018 the Commission endorsed a proposal from New Zealand to revise the existing template for voluntary conservation reports (VCRs) and develop an integrated database. The detailed proposal, which includes the rationale for changing the reporting template, is in IWC/67/CC/10 (also as CC/68A/INFO/05).
This publicly accessible database is available from the IWC website and searchable by country or conservation theme in alignment with the Strategic Plan and Workplan of the Conservation Committee.The database aims to streamline the reporting requirements on Contracting Governments, and improve the accessibility, effectiveness and reach of information submitted in Voluntary Conservation Reports.
Find our Scientific Literature: Searchable Database
USA Legal Protections
Theme: Sanctuaries and protected areas
Country profile on Whale Watching Handbook
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The U.S. also protects cetaceans and their habitat through the designation of national marine sanctuaries, authorized under the National Marine Sanctuaries Act
USA Cross-Border Sanctuaries
Theme: Sanctuaries and protected areas
Country profile on Whale Watching Handbook
Date started:
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The Sister Sanctuary Program, managed by Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, was established in 2006 to facilitate the effective management of a shared population of humpback whales across jurisdictional boundaries throughout its migratory range, from feeding and nursery grounds in the Gulf of Maine to breeding and calving areas in the Wider Caribbean region.
Ship strikes are a significant threat to large whales. To address this threat, NOAA has developed regulatory and non-regulatory measures to reduce ship strikes, including modification of vessel operations, education and outreach programs, and research and monitoring activities. Stranded large whales are examined externally and internally whenever logistically feasible to assist in diagnosis and appropriate quantification of ship strikes.
USA Whale Watching
Theme: Whale watching
Country profile on Whale Watching Handbook
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This section outlines U.S. domestic efforts related to whale watching.
Cooperation with States, Tribes, Alaska Native Organizations, and Non-Governmental Organizations
USA Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Program
Theme: Strandings
Country profile on Whale Watching Handbook
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The Marine Mammal Protection Act was amended in 1992 to formally establish the Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Program (MMHSRP).
Cooperation with States, Tribes, Alaska Native Organizations, and Non-Governmental Organizations
National initiatives related to cetacean conservation.
The U.S. Government, through the NMFS, the U.S. Marine Mammal Commission, and other Federal agencies, undertakes a number of research projects on cetaceans in U.S. waters and overseas.
Since the 2016 IWC meeting, the U.S. has worked with international partners to reduce bycatch of marine mammals through gear modification and to support collaborative initiatives to better understand and mitigate serious injuries and mortalities of marine mammal.
USA Legal Protections
Theme: Other
Country profile on Whale Watching Handbook
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In the U.S., a cetacean species deemed to be “in danger of extinction throughout all or a significant portion of its range” is protected as “endangered” under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).
USA Legal Protections
Theme: Other
Country profile on Whale Watching Handbook
Date started:
Date ended:
External URL:
Federal activities that may affect cetacean and other wildlife species, or their habitats, or other components of the human environment, must undergo an environmental analysis under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA).
The Marine Mammal Commission (Commission) is an independent agency of the U.S. government charged by the Marine Mammal Protection Act (MMPA) to further the conservation of marine mammals and their environment.